As there was no need to pack my tent, I could get going quite early in the morning after packing the rest of my stuff. Akyaka was still completely deserted, but the weather was really nice and made hiking even more enjoyable. After following some forest tracks for a short distance, the Carian Trail finally continued on a smaller path through the pinewood forest. Even though there was little change in the landscape, the buzzing bees and blooming flowers and brushes gave a real spring feeling and hiking didn't get boring.
The only annoying thing in this part was the pine pollen - just touching a branch clouded me in yellow clouds, so upon emerging the forest I had to take a break to at least rudimentary clean myself and my backpack for a bit. As the day advanced, clouds started to gather in the mountains which basically went straight up from the sea. For the rest of the day, I constantly saw dark clouds and strong rain just maybe one kilometer further inland, even heard thunder every now and then, but didn't get wet myself. Going to the coast was definitely a good decision.
As afternoon approached, I started the ascent from Turnali to Sarnic, which promised awesome views and a spring about halfway up. I just hoped there would be a place to pitch up my tent in the vicinity.
My guess was lucky, and the place around the spring offered not only perfectly campsites on flat grassy patches, but also stunning views over the Ceramic Gulf and lots of sun. Even though I had some hours left until sunset, I just had to stay here to admire the outlook and enjoy the rest of the day, having dinner and listening to music in the unexpectedly hot sun. Life didn't stop to be good these days.